Product, Content & Customer Marketing Strategies to Market New Product Features on Social

Here are questions I would ask and actions I would take to market new product features on social media. I would ask: What is your feedback for each of the new product features? I would collaborate with the Product Team during beta testing interviewing customers to gather feedback on new features using information obtained toContinue reading “Product, Content & Customer Marketing Strategies to Market New Product Features on Social”

Market Research, Competitive Intelligence, Customer Marketing, & Product Marketing Strategies to Increase Sales

Before businesses can sell anything, they need to determine if there is a market for their products and services. Most businesses will not necessarily be creating new product categories. As a result, they will be entering into a marketplace that already exists. This is true if you are a re-seller or distributor of products andContinue reading “Market Research, Competitive Intelligence, Customer Marketing, & Product Marketing Strategies to Increase Sales”

Ways to Deliver Value to Customers with Content

Creating content that engages customers is key. Another key element to creating customer-centered presentations and digital content is knowledge of buyer learning styles. In other words, how do buyers learn best? There are three learning styles, Visual, Auditory, and kinesthetic. 65 percent of learners are Visual but this is not everyone. Survey Results I surveyedContinue reading “Ways to Deliver Value to Customers with Content”

Ways to use Marketing to Improve Customer Experience & Customer Journey The Customer Experience and Customer Journey is being disrupted by technology. The technology comes in the form of social channels such as the internet, mobile, social media, publishing platforms, audio books and video on demand. All of these channels have the effect of giving consumers instant access to information about products and services. MobileContinue reading “Ways to use Marketing to Improve Customer Experience & Customer Journey”

How Customer Objections are Sales & Marketing Tools

Image via Many people who are new to Sales think that if a Customer does not ask questions or raise Objections during a Sales call; the Sale is moving forward. They find themselves surprised when the customer does not want to buy when they ask for the order. This assumes the Sales person has the courageContinue reading “How Customer Objections are Sales & Marketing Tools”

EdTech’s Growthhacking Guide

Trends in Education are changing. This will provide a great Opportunity for EdTech Companies to improve Education while increasing Sales and Revenue. If you are in EdTech, looking to get into this $13,190,456, 456,848 K-12 Market not to mention the opportunities in Higher Education…

10 Ways to Build an Audience & Grow a Customer Base

There are many ways to grow an audience and build a customer base. Here are 10 strategies for you to grow your audience and build a customer base. 1. Starting a Blog based on Buyer Personas Create a blog within your website focusing on customer pain points discovered in your buyer personas. Image via 2.Use SocialContinue reading “10 Ways to Build an Audience & Grow a Customer Base”

Customer Marketing: What We Can Learn from Actors

Image via Garrison Everest When Actors land a role to play, they need to memorize their lines but for their delivery to be believable, they need to become the character. Actors become the character they play by doing research. This research is conducted by: reading books/watching videos about the life of the character, conducting interviewsContinue reading “Customer Marketing: What We Can Learn from Actors”